Monday, October 27, 2014

Journalism Career Fair

The Journalism Career Fair, held at the Grand Ballroom in Stamp Student Union, was a brief but rewarding experience. News outlets at the event ranged from nationally recognized sources such as HBO's "VICE" and NBC Universal. Other local stations such as WJZ was also at the event. Along with networking with the mass media organizations present at the event, I was also able to mingle with fellow journalists. We compared resumes, dress etiquette, LinkedIn loopholes, and so much more. We all congregated at a table and viewed each others works and discussed goals and aspirations. It was refreshing discussing our fears and excitement as we enter into the journalism world. The one tribulation I noticed while searching the fair was the lack of internships available for underclassmen. I spoke with Talia Richman, '17, about her freshman internship at USA Today. We discussed how the key to internships at our age is through networking. One program that caught my interest was a course held at George Mason University. You complete an internship with one of the affiliated outlets, then attend various classes throughout the semester. These classes are taught by journalists from various news outlets and Universities in DC/MD/VA area. Overall, the journalism career was a good taste of what is to come in my life. I have newly acquired skills and mindsets for the next time I go to a career fair. 

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