Wednesday, September 10, 2014

President Obama's Speech

President Obama spoke tonight about the terrorist organization ISIS. The same group that is responsible for the killing of two American journalists. Obama ordered an escalation of the US military campaign against the Islamic State. He authorized US airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. He made it known to the public that the objective is to destroy ISIS. He spoke about how ISIS is not Islamic because no religion condemns killing. He is sending 475 more troops to Iraq. He is not going to put troops on foreign soil to fight.

Obama delivered his message resolutely, he is determined to protect our country from any further attack from terrorist organizations. When he started talking about 9/11 his tone changed to make him sound determined to stop ISIS. He becomes more passionate when saying that "if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven."

For me, the most important part of Obama's message is that we are not going to back down from any terrorists. America needs to stand up to terrorist, because if not they will just keep attacking. We need to take their threats seriously. We need to wipe out as many terrorist as we can to prevent future jihad or war. "It is America that has the capacity and the will to mobilize the world against terrorists." He brings his message full circle when he tells the story of the time American troops helped prevent massacre of civilians trapped on a mountain. The civilians trapped said that they will always remember America for helping protect innocent people. It is important to help protect innocent civilians and towns form falling victim to terrorism.

The mass media truth that stands out to me is truth number 3, Everything from the margin moves to the center. Before the president's speech, we didn't really know what for sure was going to be said. As soon as he stepped to the podium, multiple new channels/outlets played his conference. And many websites have their point of view on what he said and his full speech transcripts. So even if you didn't watch it live, there are plenty of websites and channels you can get analysis and the speech from. Before they were all kind of waiting to hear what he had to say. Now that he has said it, they are analyzing every word in his speech. So something that was not important necessarily before his speech, now has become the main topic for most media outlets.

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