Thursday, September 11, 2014

President Obama's Address Concerning ISIS

On Wednesday night, President Obama addressed the world on how the United States is going to deal with the issue of ISIS, or ISIL as he called it, which stands for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. 
Obama presented his speech in a very strong and confident manor, reassuring the public that this issue will not be taken lightly. He sent a strong message: “if you threaten America, you will find no safe haven.” The speech was very informative, but given in very simple terms so that everyone would be able to comprehend the situation. Obama was thorough in explaining how the United States was going to deal with ISIS through airstrikes, increased support to forces on the ground, and call upon “substantial counterterrorism capabilities.”
The most effective part of the message was making clear that the United States was not going to let a terrorist group exist and continue to threaten innocent people, no matter where in the world they are. In the latter part of his speech, Obama talked a lot about how America is still a world power and it will continue to thrive and lead the people to a “more hopeful future.”
On the 7 Truths of Media, I believe that the one that stands out the most in this case is Truth 2: There Are No Mainstream Media. When looking for a medium to watch the speech live, I realized that it was very easy to find a source. I ended up watching it on the White House’s live stream on my laptop, but I just have easily could have watched it on the television, listened to it on the radio, or read the transcript. Immediately after, many news outlets began to discuss the speech on Twitter and on television, as well as many other places. This shows that how accessible the news is to anyone and that there is no one right way to seek information. 

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