Thursday, September 11, 2014

Obama Nationally Addresses the ISIL Conflict

President Obama recently spoke in a National Address on September 10th regarding the terrorist group ISIL. Obama announced that the United States of America will be using all of their counterterrorism initiatives to help end the ISIL's reign of terror in the Iraq, Syria, and the larger global community. The President established the four initiatives of the United States of America in the fight against the terrorist group. The first initiative of the USA is the use of air-strikes against ISIL territory. The second initiative is the increase of support for ground forces battling the Islam extremist group. The third initiative is the utilization of American counterterrorism planning in order to prevent further attacks by ISIL. And lastly, the USA will increase humanitarian support of for the innocent Iraqi and Syrian citizens. 

Obama's speech delivery was so effective because of his ability to balance his indefinite power while still remaining palpable to viewers. Viewers positively receive Obama because of his body language, which is the driving force for his undeniable sense of confidence.  More specifically, the President uses his hands to create a sense of sureness. When reassuring American citizens of the White House's sole desire to maintain security throughout the world, he uses swift and brisk hand gestures to show his commitment to ending ISIL. After notifying Americans of the decision to enter ISIL territory, he establishes that his "highest priority is the security of the American people" with a quick motion of his fist onto the podium. Similar to that of a judge and a javelin, Obama is notifying American that the final jury had been made and he only has the utmost of confidence. As any great leader and public speaker, the President delivers his message with a manner of confidence that reassures and comforts the American people of the decision to fight against ISIL. 

Obama appears to be quite knowledgable of his Media Truths, making sure the avoid Truth Three, or the medias natural inclination to focus on the more extreme aspects of life (including minority groups, violence, and other values). The National Address not only outlined the US initiatives against ISIL, but also contained an underlying social message to Americans: the religious affiliations of ISIL Muslim extremists do not represent the entire Islamic group. Obama reminds American people that "ISIL is not Islamic" and that "no religion condones the killing of innocents". Obama recognizes the inability of people to recognize that a single story of extremist Islamic people doesn't represent the Islamic community as a whole. Obama is not only discussing the problem of ISIL, but he is also confronting the problem of American people's tendency to compartmentalize underrepresented groups in America, which makes for another productive and progressive Presidential Address. 

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